Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Yahoo Messenger runtime error when i run webcam messenger crashes?

First I do not even know how to find my answers yet. I get "This appl has caused runtime to terminate in an unusual way". C:\Program~1\yahoo!MESSEN~1\yahoo~1.exe Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library. i have run the webcam before successfully. I installed Norton VP and when this happened i uninstalled it, uninstalled Y Messenger and re-installed it. Still get the error. Can ya help?

Yahoo Messenger runtime error when i run webcam messenger crashes?
Click on start,click on control panel,click on security center,click on window's firewall.Click Exceptions tab.There find the webcam and messenger check them both,then ok. If there not on that list click on add program just under list. On that list find webcam and messenger and check them,may have to do one at a time. Then ok.On first list check make sure both webcam and messenger are there and checked.Then ok. no need to ever change these setting's.When showing only use large webcam screen when really need'ed.Happy viewing .
Reply:That answer was awesome Sounds like and looks like someone I know by the name of Larry Wisda. Hmmm I wonder Report It

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